This week we finish the second part of our course, the
proofs, and start on the final part, the algorithms, but there aren’t much
about it, just a first taste. For proofs, we continued on proving cases and did
some review. Assignment 2 is coming I believe.
Algorithm for us now is only like 3 symbols: big-O(<=),
big-omega(>=) and big-theta(omega<=f<=O). I think I can manage it as
long I remember the relations between them.
Other than that, we are asked to talk about penny piles.
Penny piles is a problem that given the left drawer has 64
coins, the right drawer is empty, then:
If L has even number of coins, transfer half to right.
If R has even number of coins, transfer half to left.
So basically in this case the number of the two piles are
64-0, 32-32, 48-16, 24-40, 44-20, 22-42, 43-21. The questions is what about
starting with a different number of coins in the left drawer.
As far as I can find from internet and course resources,
this problem can only perfectly be solved by using a proving technique called
induction. Unfortunately we are not able to learn it in CSC165, it’s a huge
part in CSC236 though. The general I idea is assume a “function” true, and its
input is n, such as P(n) and as long as we can prove P(n+1) is true, then P(n)
is true. This proving technique sounds more fun and more powerful. Also an
interesting thing I’ve found is if something is hard to solve, assume it is
true and most likely you are on the right track, lol.